Another beautiful sunrise from the 25th floor of the building we live in. For now. We are moving to NC and the movers will be here on Tuesday. We will spend the night here on Tuesday and leave for good on Wednesday AM.
I never knew the sunrises were so beautiful on the Gulf Coast until I moved into this building. The land around here is flat. This place is the definition of flat. The trees and buildings block this stunning view. Even though I am up at this hour and even if I was walking around outside, the moment when the sun peaks over the horizon is generally not visible from ground level.
As I was watching the interplay of sun, clouds, and sky, amazed at how beautiful it was, I was caught up in a ‘heavenly’ moment. So many thoughts rushed through my mind at once. Here are a few:
God’s beauty is all around us, every day, every minute. But we often miss it. Our minds and hearts are not looking ‘up’. We are usually looking ‘down’, absorbed in our troubles, anxieties, and pain; trying to fix things in our own power. Living in a flat place. But when, by the power of God, we rise up to that different realm, we can ‘see’ God and His beauty all around us, even in the dark places closer to the ground.
This sunrise was pure beauty. There is a building in the dark part of the frame, reminding me of our presence on earth, but mostly the view was just God. It spoke of a new beginning, the slate was clean, and a new day with new hope was beginning. Sort of like a resurrection.
It was beautiful. It reminded me of a similar early morning experience that Judy and I had in the Hill Country of Texas when we were visiting a lodge with our friends, Alan and Claudia. Early in the morning, on a walk next to the Frio river, in the stillness of the canyon, as the sun was just barely lifting over the horizon and it was cool and lovely, God spoke to me. He asked: “Is this beautiful, John?”. I said “yes Lord, this is beautiful.” Then He said “I am more beautiful than this”. Wow!! I knew He was much more beautiful, but I got the point. Thanks, God. But He wasn’t finished. He asked the same question again: “Is this beautiful, John?” And again I responded “Yes Lord, this is beautiful”. Then God said “you are more beautiful than this to Me”.
Will you hear that this morning? You are more beautiful than this sunset to God. Will you receive this truth? Will you believe it? You are beautiful. Even in the sin and mess of our lives God is restoring us (and has restored us) back to this image that He has of us. To Him we are beautiful. We are in the process, through His grace, mercy and power, of becoming what we already are – beautiful. Do not let the enemy rob you of this truth. You are beautiful. Through His son Jesus He has taken the ashes of our lives and, in return, given us a crown of beauty (Isaiah 61: 3). Oh, and adopted us into His family!!! Yikes.
Finally, I saw this sunrise as another message from God. Light is breaking into the darkness. The silhouette of the building is man’s impact and influence in the world. Into this self-inflicted darkness, the Light of God is breaking through. And nothing can stop it. In a few minutes the city will be flooded by light. Darkness will be overcome by light. Hallelujah. Jesus is the light of the world. But, we are called to be light also. As you walk in the truth of who you are in Christ (beautiful) and in the power of God (unstoppable, victorious), let your light shine on this day as we celebrate Freedom. It is for freedom that Christ has set us free (Galatians 5: 1).
“Therefore, since we are receiving a Kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming Fire”. (Hebrews 12: 28, 29)