Examples of the Spirit of Witchcraft in American Culture Today

The spirit of witchcraft is present in almost every sphere of our culture – politics, media, social media, Hollywood; schools, colleges, and universities; churches; towns and cities; and individual lives. What follows are my thoughts on where the spirit of witchcraft is found in America today.

I know that some of those who read this post will disagree. Some will say that I am overemphasizing the presence of the spirit of witchcraft in America. But I believe we are in a war for the soul of not just America, but the world. In order to win a war, you must know your enemy. The hallmarks of a spirit of witchcraft are manipulation, intimidation, and deception in order to dominate or control – all visible in the world today at an unprecedented level. I believe satan is doing a very good job of camouflaging his works and intentions under the guise, at least in America, of social justice. We ignore him at out considerable peril.

Social Media

The internet and many social media platforms have done tremendous good in the world. Long-lost friends have been reconnected, friends and family members in different parts of the world can stay in touch, knowledge can be accessed, and information shared. Using my phone and the internet I have access to every Bible translation and hundreds of Bible commentaries! Christian bloggers have a platform to reach millions, every day, with the message of the gospel of of the Kingdom of God. I literally have the contents of some of the world’s greatest libraries at my fingertips. Amazing. In a few minutes I can find and order almost any book, article of clothing, or anything else I want on Amazon and generally get it in a few days. Facebook, Gmail, Google, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and Tik Tok have fundamentally changed how we interact and connect with each other and the world. It is not lost on me that this blog is coming to you, courtesy of the internet! But there is a dark side to social media. Underneath the feel-good, free-stuff, lies hidden deep in the matrix of social media, a spirit of witchcraft.

Here are some quotes from the popular documentary movie ‘The Social Dilemma’. The documentary is largely composed of interviews with platform designers, Silicon Valley software engineers, former Vice Presidents of social media divisions, professors who study social media, and even psychologists who study addictive behavior. In other words, the people on the inside:

They (Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc.) can effect real world behavior and emotions without ever triggering the user’s awareness. They (the users) are completely clueless”.

“They (Social media platforms) want to psychologically figure out how to manipulate you as fast as possible and get you back on that dopamine hit”.

The developers of social media platforms “were exploiting a vulnerability in human psychology – we understood this consciously and we did it anyway”.

Facebook manipulates us in the same way we are manipulated by a magician”.

If you’re not paying for the product, you are the product”.

“A gradual, slight, imperceptible change in your own behavior and perception – that is the product”.

Social media is “demanding things from you. It’s seducing you. It’s manipulating you. It wants things from you. And we’ve moved away from having a tool-based technology environment to an addiction- and manipulation-based technology environment . . . Social media isn’t a tool . . . it has its own goals, and it has its own means of pursuing them by using your psychology against you.”

“The only way it (‘It’ = social media, connecting two people, for example, by Facebook) is financed is through a sneaky third person who is paying to manipulate those two people. So, we’ve created an entire global generation of people who are raised within a context whose very meaning of communication, the very meaning of culture, is manipulation. We’ve put deceit and sneakiness at the absolute center of everything we do”.

The documentary also points out that this generation is the first to get social media in middle school. Since 2011 to 2013, when social media and the internet were first widely available, suicides, suicidal thoughts, and cutting in this younger generation has increased 62% to 151% depending upon the type of destructive behavior. The root lie, “I am not good enough” or “I am not enough” is amplified by social media, resulting in this huge increase in suicides. Social media “is killing people and causing people to kill themselves”, according to the documentary. Death is the ultimate objective of the spirit of witchcraft.

Social media platforms like Facebook and Google are gathering millions of pieces of data to profile you and understand your psychology. Using this psychology, these social media platforms are manipulating you, and slowly, one click at a time, changing your emotions and behavior. And we are clueless! Everything they do is clothed in a veil of deceit. All of this is done in such a way that it makes social media highly addictive.

Only two industries call their customers users: Illegal drugs and software” (social media).

The best way to control a person is to get them addicted to a product whose access only you control.

The objective of social media is to deceive, manipulate, and dominate or control you – the definition of witchcraft – for their monetary gain. If we allow it, it can kill you.

Mainstream Media

Much of the mainstream press in America, whether on the right or the left of the political spectrum, are blatantly and notoriously biased and deceptive. They have become propaganda arms for the political party they align themselves with. The objective of all this news, which really is not news at all but parades under the banner of impartial, objective reporting, has one goal – manipulate you and ultimately ‘control’ you into agreeing with their view of the world and, this year, getting you to vote for their candidate. Much of the mainstream media is operating in a spirit of witchcraft.


With the fall of the Soviet Union, many thought the failed totalitarianism ideology of Marxism was dead. So, it is surprising to see Marxism come roaring back, in America no less. Who would have thought? But Marxism has become almost mainstream in America, thanks to decades of students being indoctrinated with Marxist ideology and hatred in humanities classes in almost every American college and university. Never in the history of America has the nation been closer to a Marxist takeover of the government and economy than in this election year.

Marxism in America today is exemplified and embedded in the social justice movement and its ‘hammer’, critical race theory. CRT is pure Marxism, rooted in a spirit of witchcraft and wholly evil.

As I wrote in a previous post, Marxism is a satanic ideology. The history of Communism or Marxism in the 20th century is a history of deception or propaganda, intimidation using threats of imprisonment or death (e.g. the murder of over a 100 million people in the 20th century), and manipulation. Marxism is promulgated by a spirit of witchcraft.

Satan cannot create; he can only copy and destroy. He cannot bring light, only darkness; he cannot bring life, only death. But he is a master of deception. In an effort to promote his agenda of death and destruction, satan counterfeits the work of the Holy Spirit by using the spirit of witchcraft. The Holy Spirit works through God’s people, releasing and advancing the Kingdom of God. To counterfeit God’s Kingdom work, satan’s counterfeit version of the Holy Spirit is the witchcraft spirit, which he uses to advance the kingdom of the world, in his attempt to overthrow God’s Kingdom.

Marxism is fueled by the spirit of witchcraft.

Black Lives Matter

Many people, black and white, support Black Lives Matter because they are committed to tearing down the evil of racism. But a spirit of witchcraft is a foundational part of this movement.

The three founders of Black Lives Matter are avowed Marxists. One of the founders of Black Lives Matter, Patrisse Cullors, says that BLM is a “spiritual movement”, but she is not talking about the Holy Spirit. She is talking about a spirit of witchcraft. In an article in ‘Religion News Service’, titled “Black Lives Matter is ‘A Spiritual Movement’ Says Co-Founder Patrisse Cullors” written by Alejandra Molina, Cullors comments on “the practice of calling out names before protests and demonstrations”. Here are some quotes from the article (admittedly ‘snipped’ out, but I believe preserving the integrity of Cullors’ beliefs and practices as described in the article):

“It is literally almost resurrecting a spirit so they can work through us to get the work that we need to get done (sic) . . . Cullors touched on West African traditions that center on remembering ancestors . . . I wasn’t raised with honoring ancestors . . .  As I got older and started to feel like I was missing something, ancestor worship became really important . . . The women (Cullors and other acolytes) also touched on their tradition of praying and pouring libations (blood offerings) during demonstrations . . . As part of the ritual, people recited names of those taken by state violence before their time – ancestors now being called back to animate their own justice . . . After each name, Abdullah (Co-founder of Black Lives Matter-Los Angeles and one of the Black Lives Matter leaders who joins Cullors in the West African rituals) poured libations on the ground as the group in return chanted “Ase”. The Yoruba term is often used by practitioners of Ifa, a faith and divination system that originated in West Africa . . . It took her almost a year before she realized BLM was much more than a racial and social justice movement. At its core, it’s a spiritual movement . . . To Cullors, she wouldn’t be able to do this work without spiritual practice”.

Patrisse Cullors and her associate Melina Abdullah and others pour blood libations on an altar, and call up spirits of the dead to give them power and to work through them to help accomplish their objectives before a protest. These actions are part of West African rituals used by practitioners of Ifa. What is Ifa?

Ifa is part of the religion or spiritual system called Ifa Yoruba, the religion of the Yoruba people of Nigeria. This religion is also practiced throughout West Africa, the Americas (e.g. USA, Haiti, Cuba, and Brazil) and the Canary Islands. It is connected to Santeria and Voodoo. In this system, ancestors play an essential role. They are referred to as “the living dead”. In Brazil, priests and priestesses who practice Ifa are called spiritists. Spiritist temples are common in every Brazilian city. In Brazil, a pastor I travelled with and I delivered Christians from their former associations with spiritism. Those prayer sessions were very intense.  

In Ifa, the spirits of the dead are called up to empower or facilitate an action that the priest requests – putting a curse on someone, for example; or accomplishing a desired outcome. Ifa also uses divination. Those who practice Ifa Yoruba visit the priests or priestesses to determine their destiny, fortunes, and other aspects of their lives. In other parts of Africa, these priests and priestesses are called witch doctors.

Patrisse Cullors and Melina Abdullah use witchcraft and the occult to ‘empower’ the Black Lives Movement. This is one more example of how the spirit of witchcraft has made inroads in American culture.

(It was announced today (10/16/2020) that Warner Bros. TV has signed an overall-production deal with Patrisse Cullors “to develop scripted dramas and comedies, docuseries and animated programming for children, young adults and families”).

Most of those who join BLM to stand against racism are unaware that BLM is rooted in witchcraft and the occult. But participation in the movement over time and the acceptance of the movement’s goals and objectives will open up hearts to the spirit of witchcraft, even if one is unaware that witchcraft is embedded in the movement’s spiritual DNA.


Racism in America is rooted in a spirit of witchcraft. In America, manipulation and intimidation of people of color have been used to dominate and control a segment of our population through many generations. Racism is also present in the church in America, I am ashamed to say.

The evil of racism must be dismantled and destroyed. God detests racism, not only because of what it does to His children and His Kingdom, but because it needs a spirit of witchcraft to survive and even flourish. There is no racism in the Kingdom of God.

Only the church, through the power of the Holy Spirit, beginning with white Christians sitting down and listening to stories of devaluing and abuse of Christians of color, can break the grip of racism in America. Progress will not come through a witchcraft spirit – that spirit only leads to death because it comes ultimately from satan whose mission is to steal, kill, and destroy. Progress will only come through Jesus and the love of the Father released over all brothers and sisters by the Holy Spirit. Black and white Christians must come together – we have a common spiritual enemy who wins when we are divided. Our enemy, satan, uses a spirit of witchcraft to keep us apart.

Every human being is made in the image and likeness of God. Every believer is incredibly valuable to God, because every believer has the most valuable person in the universe dwelling in them – Jesus. In Christ, repentance and forgiveness will defeat the power of satan and his handmaiden, the spirit of witchcraft.

For a moving, powerful look at how people of color are affected by racism in America today and the challenge the church is facing, click (double click, control + click, whatever) on this link:


Racism is a matter of the heart. I am personally responsible for the content of my heart. I must repent from any racist attitudes I may carry, and cry out to Jesus to transform my heart. Only He can do it.

Then I must call upon churches to repent. Together we must pray. I cannot make someone repent of a sin they will not acknowledge. But I can pray for them. I can pray for a spirit of conviction to fall upon my family, church, city, county, state, and nation. True conviction, or Godly sorrow, leads to repentance; and repentance is the first step toward healing.

I can also pray for forgiveness – forgiveness asked for and forgiveness given. Those who have been oppressed and mistreated have a right, in the eyes of the world, to be angry, frustrated, disappointed, bitter, resentful, even filled with hatred toward the oppressors. But if they walk in these negative emotions, if they “let the sun go down on their anger, they will give the devil a foothold in their hearts”. That ‘devil’ is satan and he will use the spirit of witchcraft to enslave those the spirit possesses as effectively as drugs, alcohol, and social media. The antidote, in the power of the Holy Spirit, is forgiveness; the opposite of manipulation and intimidation is love.

Without repentance on the one hand, and forgiveness on the other the Kingdom of God cannot advance. Both of these flow out of love. Against repentance and forgiveness in the power of the cross, the spirit of witchcraft cannot stand.

Mob Violence and Intimidation

2020 has been a year of protests. Peaceful protests against evil honor God. Violent protests – when public property is destroyed, private businesses torched, and individuals beaten or killed – do not.  We have all seen TV footage of political protests, demonstrations, and riots where the participants are surrounding outdoor diners, drinking the diner’s beer, sitting at their tables, shouting and blowing horns at them. Many of the protests shown to us by the media on TV are in support of Black Lives Matter. We have seen footage where people on the street are forced to kneel or raise their hands in solidarity with the protestors. Protests frequently lead to violence – smashing store windows, burning police cars, even beating those who are reporting on or observing the protests. I saw one video clip where a protestor squirted lighter fluid all over the back of a policeman sitting on a motorcycle, and then used a match to set him on fire!

Violence and humiliation -- the tools of every totalitarian regime — are tried and true methods to intimidate people who don’t agree with your political goals. The same type of behavior was recorded during the Cultural Revolution in China.

For a comparison of the methods of intimidation – humiliation, shaming, and violence – used in political protests in American cities, and the Cultural Revolution in Communist China, control+click on this link:


Protests and demonstrations that involve these forms of intimidation are fueled by a spirit of witchcraft.

Other Forms of Intimidation and Manipulation

Shaming people and making them feel guilty, not because of what they have done, but because of who they are and the color of their skin is another way to intimidate and manipulate. This cuts both ways. Black people have been intimidated and controlled through fear, shame, and guilt for generations. More recently white privilege, gaslighting, critical race theory, cancel culture, virtue signaling, and labelling something problematic all directed at white people and ‘white culture’ are forms of intimidation and manipulation, emblematic of a ‘soft’ totalitarian ideology designed to oppress and, ultimately, kill and destroy. All manipulation and intimidation – white on black and black in white – are rooted in a spirit of witchcraft.

Is There a Spirit of Witchcraft in Your Church?

Have you or anyone you know used manipulation or intimidation in your church to accomplish an agenda? Has your pastor used subtle manipulation to get the congregation to tithe more? Have you ever felt your ‘arm twisted’, perhaps with shame or guilt, to agree to a direction the pastor and elders of the church are advocating? Have you or someone you know used manipulation and intimidation to oppose a direction the pastor and elders of your church are leading you? If any of these scenarios ring true to you (and I am sure you can think of many other similar scenarios), then a spirit of witchcraft is operating in your church – or at least in part of your church.

Is There a Spirit of Witchcraft in Me?

By now you get the point. Look in the mirror and ask yourself, “Am I operating in a spirit of witchcraft? Do I use deception, manipulation, or intimidation to get what I want or to get what I believe God wants?” Either is wrong. We were all born with that spirit embedded in our spiritual DNA, so it is not surprising if your answer to that question is, “Yes, at least sometimes”.

Satanists, witches, warlocks, covens, divination, sorcery, and various occult practices like New Age religions are all rooted in the spirit of witchcraft. But you don’t have to belong to or practice any of these to operate in a witchcraft spirit. Normal, everyday people, including Christians, who would never affiliate with these practices, operate in a witchcraft spirit every day if they use deception, manipulation, or intimidation to get what they want or to control or dominate another person. Husbands often intimidate wives, and wives manipulate (or intimidate) husbands. Children, even infants (!) use manipulation to control their parents. The common situations where we use a spirit of witchcraft in our lives, without realizing what we are doing, are almost endless.

What Do We Do About All of This?

The spirit of witchcraft can infect and affect an individual, family, church, town or city, mob, movement, or even a nation. It is a powerful tool of satan and knows no age, economic conditions, racial distinctions, or organizational size. How do we Christians combat and defeat the spirit of witchcraft? Certainly, our victory was won on the cross, but the battle still rages. However we win, it will come through Jesus, the Cross, the Holy Spirit, and the release and advance of the Kingdom of God. The intercessory prayers of righteous people, who are in Christ, will play a decisive role.

In my next post I’ll discuss strategies and tactics that Christians can use to fight and win the war against the spirit of witchcraft.

But in the meantime, it is important for Christians and churches to know that aligning themselves with a spirit of witchcraft, either at the voting booth or through the organizations and movements they join and support, can open the door into their heart, the hearts of their family members, even the collective heart of a nation for demonic possession. But there is a more pressing issue – divination, sorcery, witchcraft, spiritism, and consulting the dead are detestable to God (Deuteronomy 18: 10 – 12) as is abortion. For many Christians in America today, it is time to make a choice: culture or Jesus, because you cannot have both.

Trusting Jesus for the Victory,



“My Church Will Be Victorious” – Part 1. Rebelion and the Tree of Babylon


Warning: The Spirit of Witchcraft in America Today