Healing and Repentance Prayer is now a book

Throughout this blog, I have written posts about healing and deliverance prayer, repentance, the Kingdom of God, consecration (and a prayer of consecration), the veil; authority and power, and much more. This month I have combined all of these topics, plus step-by-step descriptions about how to set people free from the effects of negative emotions, fears, sins, occult participation; and trauma, abuse, and curses in a book published by Amazon titled, “Removing the Veil — A Manual for Healing and Repentance Prayer”. You can find this book on Amazon by typing the title into the search box. The book costs $15 USD. If you find the content of this blog edifying, check out the book — it is a practical manual on how to release and advance the Kingdom of God for the glory of the King.


What Is Salvation In Jesus Christ?


The Christmas Story is Your Story Too