Home From Taiwan — A Healing Trip

On March 8, Judy and I flew to Houston to visit good friends, including Seumean and Iris Kuon. Early in the morning of March 14, we joined Seumean on an EVA flight to Taiwan, beginning two weeks of training for 17 churches and 200 people on spiritual deliverance and emotional and physical healing. It was an amazing time! We saw so much freedom and joy being released as people were set free from spirits of fear, hatred, and demonic oppression. We saw so much freedom and joy as people were set free from emotional hurt and pain, anger, depression, shame, suicidal thoughts, and much more. Between the two of us, Judy and I prayed for 15 – 20 people. Everyone got some healing. Most got a lot.

There was also a lot of freedom from physical pain and illness. One woman who needed hearing aids received partial hearing in one ear and almost total hearing in another. A second woman who had no sense of smell for 20 years, began to smell when members of the class prayed for her. It was a crazy time of God’s Spirit being poured out over all of us.

Best of all, the point of the trip was to train the churches we met with to do all of this healing in their own congregations.

It is hard not to get excited when God shows up and performs spiritual, emotional, and physical healing miracles. But the point is not so much the healing. The point is the release of God’s Kingdom in our lives, so that we can be more effective Kingdom agents for His glory. It is easy to forget that.

In a day or so I’ll publish a post with a lot more detail for those of you who are interested. In the meantime, it is good to be home.

In awe of the power of God,



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