My Vision for this blog
I have stepped out of my comfort zone. Not that technology is totally alien to me (confession – I needed help – ok, a lot of help, from Ana M. to set up this blog), but putting my thoughts about Jesus, God, salvation, surrender, the Cross, the resurrection, the Kingdom of God, the Holy Spirit, Spiritual warfare, healing and wholeness, miracles, and a bunch of other stuff out there is scary. But if I don’t, I think my head will explode. I feel like I have a lot to say. I hope that what I have to say will encourage, challenge, and convict people about the relevance and the importance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in their lives and in a dark and hurting world. So, at least several times a week I am going to share my journey from a self-centered, angry, critical man who believed only in himself and hard work; who hurt a lot of people (especially myself) along the way by my singleminded ‘march to the top’, to a man who is much less angry, much more tolerant and encouraging, still struggles with criticism (of others and myself) but to a much lesser degree, and who has found a measure of peace, joy, even in the hard times, which never seem to go away; and who is growing in authority and power to make this world, or at least my little part of the world, a better place. My goals as a Christian are to love God better today than I did yesterday, love my neighbor at least as well as I love myself, maybe better; have a spirit of humility (which means God on the throne of my life, not me), release the Kingdom of God into the kingdom of the world, and with God’s help, develop an unoffendable heart. That last goal, the unoffendable heart, will be a real victory. Because the unoffendable heart means I am free from the destructive power of rejection. I don’t think I will completely get there, but that is my goal. Might as well shoot high. I hope you get half as much out of this journey as I believe I will.
Grace and peace