Science, Theology, and Faith in the 21st Century
I have written a document (about 7500 words) on the subject of science, theology, and Christian faith in the 21st century. I am putting the document on the blog as an atricle (see Article). It is too long to put up as an article. Most of you probably don’t know that I have a PhD is geology. But I am not a ‘creationist’. To me, the old vs young earth argument is a distraction. It takes us away from our real mission — to release the Kingdom of God into the kingdom of the world, which is about restoration, healing, redemption, salvation, wholeness, freedom, and dominion over the forces of darkness.
So if you are interested in my opinions about science, theology, and what faith means and how we are called to live it out as ‘sent’ people in the culture around us check out that article in the pages of this blog (right now it is in draft form. I’ll post it later today).
I have written this post to supplement a presentation I am making on science (specifically geoscience) and faith at a conference being held at the First Presbyterian Church in Houston TX on April 16 and 17, 2016. Check out the schedule at the church website. There will be some excellent presentations. If you can’t attend the conference (because you live in Brazil or India or somewhere else) I am fairly sure they will be posting the audio and maybe video of each presenter online in the days to come.
Grace and peace to all of you in the world,