Signs and wonders

My wife and I were preparing for a mission trip to Spain with Dr. Dennis Sempebwa and his team. Dr. Dennis is a Ugandan evangelist now living in the US. At the time, as we were preparing for the trip, I didn’t know Dr. Dennis well. Several days before we were due to depart I spent a restless night wondering “what have I gotten myself into?” I woke up early – the sun was rising. I don’t think I told you that we live on the 25th floor of a high-rise condo. I put some water on the stove to make a cup of tea and walked over to the window. I looked out over the green space below and saw a large bird in the early morning light, soaring past my window. I thought it was a turkey vulture. Not a great sign. But then in the light I saw some white on the tail of the bird. I grabbed my binocs – it was a bald eagle. I have never seen one of them in the city and I have been watching birds for a long time. Then I recalled that Dr. Dennis’ ministry is called “Eagles Wings” and on his website is a picture of a soaring bald eagle. As I watched this great bird I heard in my spirit God say “this will be an amazing trip. I have prepared this trip for you and Judy. You will meet me and experience new life.” And He was right – it was an amazing trip. You can read about it on the page in this blog titled Spain Mission Trip – parts 1 and 2. I thank Jesus for signs like this that are all around us, every day. We need to listen and look. He speaks to all of us in many different ways.


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