20 Days of Prayer Day 11 "A Prayer for Wisdom and Peace"

“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere” (James 3: 17).

Lord, your Word tells us that You are in control of the nations and peoples of the world; the pandemic we face is not a surprise to You. Are You perhaps calling our nation into a long-overdue sabbath? Help us to rest and to get right with You. You know what is best for us and we trust You even in the frightening and surreal changes occurring on the world scene. Lord, heal the divisions in our land. Help us as a nation to humble ourselves and cry out to You that light may overwhelm the darkness.

Protect us from sickness and give us wisdom and peace as we live each day for You. Keep us unified and connected as a church, and advance Your kingdom mightily through the crisis now facing us. In this season of social distancing draw us closer to You and to those we love. Show us how to be a blessing to others in the spontaneous, Spirit-led opportunities You provide.

We worship and honor You as Lord over all! And we surrender all to You in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ. AMEN.

Bill Campbell


20 Days of Prayer Day 12 "Our God Is The Lord of Heaven and Earth"


20 Days of Prayer Day 10 "The Fountain of Life"