20 Days of Prayer Day 19 "What Happened on Saturday?"

Today is Saturday of Holy Week, Day 19 of our 20 Days of Prayer. Saturday? What happened on Saturday? The Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches believe that Jesus descended into hell on Saturday, as recorded in the Apostles Creed. But there is no basis in Scripture for that. So, what happened on Saturday, sandwiched between the crucifixion and the resurrection? We don’t know, for sure. But we can guess that whatever happened, the disciples were grief-stricken, overwhelmed with fear, and struggling in a world plunged into darkness, at least for them. Do you think they remembered Jesus’ words, spoken to them on Thursday night, “I tell you the truth, you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices. You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy” (John 16: 20)? Probably not.

But what about us. Sure, we know the ‘rest of the story’. But when we are overwhelmed with darkness, when we are fearful and anxious, and God seems silent, what should we do? Should we remember the cliche, “It is always darkest just before the dawn”? OK, that might work. Here is another idea — we should pray a prayer like the one Gayle Stepp wrote for Day 19, ending with these words, “We lift our voices and hearts to You that Your will may be accomplished in all the earth, and that all the power and glory may be Yours”. Hallelujah!

John Van Wagoner

God Provides

“In their hunger You gave them bread from heaven and in their thirst, You brought them water from the rock” (Nehemiah 9: 15).

Dear loving and compassionate God, You take care of the birds of the air. You clothe the lilies of the field. We need not worry; if we seek Your Kingdom, You will fulfill our needs.

You have blessed us and instructed us not to be anxious about tomorrow as the Israelites were in the desert. They did not follow your instructions and stored manna and complained much as we do today. Forgive us for forgetting to care for others. You have commanded us to love one another as You have loved us. Help is to always show kindness, compassion, and patience.

Dear Father, help us as individuals, families, churches, communities, governments, and nations to turn to You instead of believing in ourselves. Your plans and Your ways are beyond our comprehension; but You are the all-knowing Lord. In our humanity, we don’t always understand; but, in Your wisdom, You know the answers before we ask the questions.

You love us and desire that we have communion with You, asking You for guidance. Forgive us, Lord, for our self-centeredness; help us to keep our minds and hearts on You.

God of power and might, You are the God of miracles. We pray to You for healing of diseases. We pray for protection. We pray for enlightenment, knowledge and guidance for the clergy, leaders, doctors, and all mankind. Anoint Your church and those who lead and direct it, that they may understand and seek to do Your will. We give thanks for the government and their assistance during times of crisis.

We lift our voices and hearts to You that Your will may be accomplished in all the earth, and that all the power and glory may be Yours.

We pray in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


Gayle Hamilton Stepp


20 Days of Prayer Day 20 "I Have Seen the Lord"


20 Days of Prayer Day 18 "We Crucified God's Son, His Only Son, the Son He Loved"