On the train to Liverpool

Judy and I are speeding across the English countryside on a train from London to Liverpool. A sunny day. Fields, old villages. As we ride I was struck with the thought how much this country suffered and lost in the 20th century. I was listening to a song by Watermark – Christy Nockells. The song is ‘A Mighty Fortress’. It seemed fitting as we passed the beautiful countryside of this remarkable country.

“Our God is a consuming fire. Burning  Holy flame with glory and freedom. Our
God is the only righteous judge ruling over us with kindness and wisdom. We will keep our eyes on you”.

“A mighty fortress is our God. A sacred refuge is Your name. Your kindness is unshakeable. With you forever we will reign”.

“We will set our hearts on you.”

“A mighty fortress is our God. Exalted on His throne. Forever He is worthy. We will keep our eyes on you. We will set our hearts on you.”



Yom Kippur


Our Trip to Wales