Spiritual Deliverance, and Emotional and Physical Healing in Japan

After praying for healing for Christians in America, China, Taiwan, and now Japan I have noticed some things.

The hurt and pain people are carrying in their hearts is universal. The types of trauma might be slightly different but the root lies are all the same: “you are not good enough”; “your situation is hopeless”; and you are powerless and helpless.” 

Seumean and I have yet to meet a person who is not carrying one or more of these lies in their heart. The problem is that when you believe these lies, your ability to hear from God is either reduced or shut down altogether. A life lived in bondage to these lies is a life without power. The truth I have observed is that most of the time it us only Jesus who can set us free from satan’s deceptions. 

Over the last week I have ministered to people who hate themselves, are carrying anger toward themselves, others, and God; are sad and depressed; have extreme fear, hatred and unforgiveness; worshipped other gods including being dedicated to other gods at a shrine, were abused by their parents or siblings, were filled with shame and guilt, and have thought about or tried to commit suicide. And these are Christians. Some of them are pastors and other church leaders.

There is an intimate link between the gospel, the Kingdom of God, and spiritual deliverance, emotional healing, and even in many cases physical healing (which is often tied to the first two). It is a very strange theology that claims that God does not want to heal His people. And it is clear to me that we are to be the conduits through which this healing occurs if we are open to the work of God.

We are seeing people get set free in all of these areas, including from physical pain. That is the Kingdom of God. And according to Jesus the Kingdom is among us.

Another thing I have learned — Jesus has given the power and authority to the Church to heal — but only to the Church that is obedient to Him and His word. Not the church that has sold out to the culture. That church has no power. God can do anything but if I were you I wouldn’t go there looking for freedom from your childhood memory of abuse or abandonement.

Right now in Japan God is performing amazing healing miracles. He is healing men and women from years of pain, trauma, abuse, anger, and self-hatred. People are receiving hope, joy, peace, and freedom they never thought possible in this life. So why isn’t every church doing what Jesus did — delivering people spiritualy, healing people emotionally, and praying for physical healing? (I’ll leave raising the dead to my brothers in Africa where that is not such a foreign idea).

I guess there are a lot of reasons from bad theology to fear and ignorance. Plus probably at least a hundred other reasons. What saddens me is that there are vast numbers of Christians (and, of course, non Christians) who are hanging on by their fingernails living lives of desperation, fear, resignation and defeat who can be healed and made whole if the Church would do what Jesus commanded.

What scares me is what will happen if Jesus holds the Church and Church leaders accountable for not healing his sheep using the power, authority, and gifts He has given them.

I wish you all could see what I am witnessing. God is moving here in Japan and it is a mighty sight to see.

Thanks for all the prayers. They are part of the empowering that we are experiencing. I could not do half of what I am doing now without your prayer support. Through you God’s power and presence are tangible in our teaching, our healing prayers, and our prayers for people to be filled with the power and fire of God at the end of healing-prayer sessions (these prayer times have been amazing, even though they last only a few minutes).

So, thanks for partnering with us to release the Kingdom of God into the kingdom of the world in Japan, to push back the darkness, take back the territory, and defeat the power of evil.



Workshop in Yamaguchi Finished. On to Tokyo


Healing Prayer in Japan